Therapy for Faith Deconstruction | Online & in Boulder, CO

Supporting you as you navigate and explore your spirituality.

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You may have arrived here if you…

  • Feel shame for having doubts about your faith and are afraid that you are going in the wrong direction with your spirituality

  • Feel that you need to hide your doubts and faith questions from others and, as a result, feel isolated from your friends and family

  • Have struggled to find the depth of engagement and support you need from your faith community or church as you wrestle with these questions

  • Feel as if the “boxes” that your faith community tries to fit you in do not seem to fit who you are and what you believe. You are tired of pretending you are someone you are not in order to belong.

  • Have experienced church hurt or spiritual abuse and are experiencing a faith shift as you rework your idea of God and your spirituality

  • Have encountered experiences or hardships in life that do not seem to align with what you have been taught by your faith community

However you arrived here, I am so glad you are here. Read on to see if my faith deconstruction services may help you on this journey.

Counseling for faith deconstruction and faith questions and doubts

You may fear where this journey will lead.

You may feel ashamed for having doubts and questions, and afraid that you are going to go in the wrong direction. You don’t know what awaits you on the other side of these questions, and this is causing fear and anxiety in your life.

Or, you may feel as if the faith buzz words and phrases no longer satisfy the deep need and longing within you. Or maybe these phrases have invalidated your experiences. You know that there must be more, yet you are struggling to find the support you need.

Maybe you feel lonely, misunderstood, and as if there is no place for you to belong. You feel isolated from your community because of your questions and doubts. You wonder if you will lose these relationships if you continue down this path of exploration.

You may be wrestling with your faith as a result of experiencing the effects of racism, sexism, or other forms of injustice within your faith community. You feel disoriented in your view of God or your faith institution and wonder where you belong.

If this is you: you need a safe space where you can experience the freedom to explore while still feeling grounded in who you are and what you value. You need a safe person willing to journey with you in this process.

Find out how you can start feeling whole again.

Therapy in Boulder, CO for faith deconstruction

You are exactly where you are supposed to be.

I see questions and doubts as an important part of your faith development process. Growth involves change. These shifts in your worldview can be scary and disorienting, yet they are part of healthy development. As you experience these shifts, you are developing into a more integrated and whole person. These questions and doubts allow you to move from deconstruction to reconstruction as you grow into a faith that is true to you and your sense of self.

How do you navigate faith deconstruction?

By releasing shame and listening to your most authentic self. Shame fractures us and disconnects us from our true self. By deconstructing the shaming messages that have disrupted your spirituality, and tuning into your most authentic self, you will navigate faith deconstruction in a way that allows you to transform and grow.

I work with you to identify what are the most foundational elements of your authentic self. These will serve as anchors that keep you grounded as you navigate your questions and doubts. We will explore ways that you can healthily move through your day-to-day life amidst the tension you experience from these questions and doubts.

Using a narrative approach as well as an attachment lens, we will explore how faith messages have caused you to hide or reject your true self. We will walk together as you explore your wonderings and doubts in a way that frees you from your shame and empowers you to live authentically.

Let’s Talk!

Book a free 15 minute phone call with me.

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