Group Therapy | Online in Colorado

You don’t have to navigate this struggle alone. Heal with others from the comfort of your home.

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Safe, supportive relationships are powerful forces for healing.

I often hear my clients tell me that they feel like somehow they are “different”—that no one else could understand the struggle they experience or the trauma they have been through. This loneliness can make it hard to hold hope and continue on the healing path.

I am here to tell you that you are not alone.

There are others walking along a similar path toward healing. Like you, they are resilient human beings who are looking for health and wholeness in their relationships and personal lives. I deeply believe that healing happens in relationship—when we can find others who can witness and respond to our pain with compassion.

I have created groups that cater specifically to the topics that I hear come up amongst my clients. My hope is that these groups can provide an opportunity for you to heal and experience a sense of belonging.

You deserve for your story to be held with compassion and understanding. You are worthy of safe, supportive relationships in your life.

If you are done trying to heal on your own and want to connect with a safe community of others who “get you,” you are in the right place. Our groups are here provide you a safe haven for you to heal and experience a sense of belonging.

healing from relationships

Healing From Family Dysfunction: Part 1

Every other Thursday, 6pm - 7pm

In these sessions, you will learn about what it means to grow up with a dysfunctional family and how this formed you as an adult. You will develop new skills for navigating dysfunction in relationships and building deeper, more connected relationships in your life today.

Topics Discussed

  • What it means to have a dysfunctional family

  • The effect that this has on you as an adult

  • The coping styles you may have developed from having a parent who wasn't emotionally responsive to you

  • What emotional blackmail is and how to navigate it in relationships

This is a 6-week group that will meet weekly on Thursdays at 6pm.

Space is limited to 8 people. To register, contact me by clicking the button below.

connect with your true self

Healing From Family Dysfunction Support Group

Join our biweekly support group and process with other group members the relational struggles you are navigating and receive support from peers walking along a similar healing path.

Space is limited. To register, contact me by clicking the button below.

Let’s Talk!

Book a free 15 minute phone call with me.

Schedule a free consultation